Rikki Rankin, a ruthless PI/Bounty Hunter, is attacked by Law Enforcement, betrayed by a friend and framed for two murders and one attempted murder.  She races back to the scene of the crime on Lake Tenkiller for the battle of her life.  

After Rikki finalized a brutal arrest on a child molester, she was hyped to go on vacation.  She arrived at Cookson Cove Resort her friend Jon owned, only to meet an evil woman Jon called his girlfriend.  It was no secret Rikki had strong feelings for Vanessa…strongly disliked her.  In Rikki’s own words, “I don’t remember ever meeting anyone, that I wanted to punch right in the face from the moment I said…nice to meet you.”  Public knowledge of threats Rikki made against Vanessa doesn’t help her case, when Vanessa is found laying in a puddle of blood, along with Jon and Logan, the marina manager.

Rikki’s fingerprints are on the weapon and witnesses place Rikki at the scene of the crime.  It’s all-true.  She calls on two friends to help her steal a boat so she can elude law enforcement.  Betrayed by one of them, she braves the waters of Lake Tenkiller using her survival skills.  Detective Hayes is on Rikki’s heels as she acquires the evidence to prove who committed the crimes.  He will stop at nothing to put her behind bars, as Rikki has humiliated him two too many times.  The passion he once felt for her has turned into an obsession to ruin her. 

Rikki’s assistant, Grace, finds her beaten and passed out on a boat dock and joins the quest to clear her best friend’s name.  Grace is dumbfounded that Rikki makes a love connection in the midst of the investigation.  With Grace’s loyalty and never-dying faith in Rikki, Rikki tries to overcome all obstacles and solve the case...but...can she?

Want to read more? Click here for an excerpt from Chapter 1...

Roxanna Kay has brought characters Rikki and Grace back for another engaging investigation.

Would you kill a man to save your life or the lives of others? Private Detective Rikki Rankin is put through the ultimate test – twice. The media has a field day slandering Rikki’s name as she tries to save her client from a killer and murder charges. Throughout the investigation people are murdered and Rikki has to catch the perpetrator before he kills again. 

Long time business partner, Grace, quits – with the added strain Rikki becomes a bit irrational.  

Rocky Payne has Rikki’s heart tied in knots. She fights the urge to give into the man she views as a player. This brutal investigation has Rikki doubting herself and battling a vengeful heart.

Blood Hold will tug at all your emotions with humor, nearly impossible and heart wrenching circumstances. A fast-paced, pee-in-your-pants mystery that will boost your heart rate.

Want to read more? Click here for an excerpt from Chapter 1...

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